Sunday, December 28, 2014

Moving forward to 2015

Letting go is the hardest endeavor a person has to do. But if you think about it, sometimes, we do have some baggage, that will forever be a part of you no matter what. It's up to us to decide if we want to set things straight and let go of the past and move forward to the future and build your own memories. It's easy to write about it, but doing the actual letting go won't be. 
Where do we start? Or should I say how? Pschying yourself up that everything has it's reason, is a good way to start. We all won't be here, if the past never happened. We would never know if things happened differently, it will turn out the same way. We won't be the better person that we are now if things didn't happen the way it should be. People get hurt, no matter what the case may be. No one can escape the fact that we all have feelings. The pain should always be a learning experience. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

No instructions, just instinct

Having a family doesn't come with instructions. It's all up to us to decipher and make our own little conclusions as to how it's supposed to be. One has to stay calm, and the other can panic all they want in any situation. A 103 fever for my 17 month old gave us the scare. My husband kept saying he was so nervous about how hot our son is. I, on the other hand, have been panicking inside, but I had to stay calm and stay positive about the situation. It is hard, but, if both of us were getting anxious,my son would end up in the emergency room and get poked with unnecessary intravenous that will forever traumatize us, as a family.